Athletic Muscle Building Workout Routines

Athletic Muscle Building Workout Routines

Many people desire to have that athletic build. An athletic build looks the same as that of the bodybuilders. However, while the bodybuilder has been built for strength and size, the body of an athlete is usually built for speed, power, agility, quickness and speed. In most cases, the body of the bodybuilder is usually bulky while that of the athlete is a bit slight. In case, you would like to have that athletic build, you will need to train like the athlete and choose the right athletic muscle building workouts. Here are 10 workouts that can help athletes to get that athletic build.


When it comes to the lower body workouts, nothing beats the squats. In case you need power in your lower body, you will need to do squats.  Otherwise, you may end up being like the people who usually have an upper body that is well build up while their legs looks like those of the chicken. Squats usually target different group of muscles all over the body such as the core muscles like the lower back and abdominals, glutes and thigh muscles. Ensure that not only do you hit squats hard but you do it quite often.


When it comes to training for athletics, sprints can also be very essential. This is due to the fact that athletes need explosiveness and power. No matter your sport, speed can be a great asset for an athlete. Sprinting will build speed. When done in internal training, it helps to burn fat in a very effective way. This is the reason why you find that most sprinters have an athletic build.

Core Training:

As an athlete, you will require core strength. If you need the six packs, it will be necessary for you to engage in core training.

Pull ups:

These are recommended for most athletes as part of the training to improve the pulling movements. These will also help you get your desired V-shape.

Shoulder Press:

Most sports require shoulder press to enable you engage in pushing. These are great options for working the, triceps, pats, deltoids, and traps.

Power Cleans:

Many athletic programs recommend power cleans as well as other kinds of cleans. Cleans consist of the total body exercises that use the calves, quads, glutes, hamstring, deltoids, spinal erectors, traps and the forearms. Cleans play a key role in developing power as well as explosiveness, two features that are essential for an athlete.

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